A collection of acrylic and encaustic paintings
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Growing up on the prairies has given me a particular aesthetic, and I tend to be drawn to subject matter that has a minimal, spacious and peaceful quality. I collect images constantly – during purposeful walks or trips with my camera, or in unexpected opportune moments. I choose images that provoke a visceral response: a roadside transformed into the sublime by the setting sun, or a canola field brilliant under a cathedral sky. The subject matter and the feeling I am trying to convey determine the way I use the paint and the size of the work. Consistent in all of my work is an attention to color. I notice colors that may or may not exist in reality but contribute to a feeling of realness, luminosity and vibration in the painting.
My current work is a continuation in my pursuit of fluency. My life in Saskatchewan provides endless material with which to practice. For me, a successful painting requires an initial enchantment with the subject matter, curiosity, and an inner confidence and optimism while painting. As I continue to paint what is around me, I am constantly finding new inspiration, appropriating beauty created by the true Artist. I am so thankful to Him for the opportunity to respond to His work through painting.